Struggling student wins big in Tae Kwon Do

Michael was a struggling student. His school teacher remarked, "Michael has an IQ of 70. He needs to go to a resource class. We dont believe he can learn in a regular class." His father Keith was flabbergasted. "No way!" he said. He received a mailer from Genie Academy. He decided to try it out.

3 months into Genie Academy, Michael got an A. The resource room was forgotten. The real miracle started to happen in Tae Kwon Do.

Math Genie Success-student who was told to go to a resource class receives an A in class and wins multiple Tae Kwon Do competitions after enrolling in Math Genie

A few months later he started doing well in competitions. His Tae Kwon Do sensei made Michael a volunteer where he started teaching novice students.

A few months later, Michael started winning competitions left and right. His Sensei was surprised. He remarked that Michael can anticipate his opponent's moves better. His pattern recognition has improved so much that he can sense his opponent's moves beforehand.

"It's all because of Genie Academy," says Keith, the proud father.
"Michael was struggling initially because he is a kinesthetic learner. Kinesthetic learners have trouble with traditional learning because they learn best by touch and feel," says Mohit S. Jain, Co-Founder of Genie Academy.

At Genie Academy, our teaching method is multi-sensory. First, students learn the basic arithmetic on the abacus. Kinesthetic kids do really well because math makes more sense. We then teach them mental math. They learn visualizing the abacus. This opens their brain for faster processing. As a result, students become faster in math and their test scores improve. More importantly, you will start to see improvements in other areas.

In Michael's case, it is Tae Kwon Do. He earned his black belt in record time.

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