Top-Rated 6th Grade Math Tutoring in New Jersey

Online and In-Person Math Tutoring


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Improve Your Child's Math Skills With New Jersey's Best 6th Grade Tutors

Genie Academy is known for its exceptional curriculum and passionate teachers. We offer a combination of online and in-person learning designed to develop your child's love of math. Our dedicated teachers are committed to improving 6th graders' math skills, ensuring they succeed in a supportive and dynamic environment.
Join us and witness your child's transformation into a confident and proficient math learner.

Our 6th-grade math tutoring aligns with the school curriculum, enabling your child to not only keep pace but also advance in their educational journey.

6th Grade Math Tutoring Subjects

At Genie Academy, your child will learn all the key math subjects, starting from number systems and progressing to more complex topics like understanding percentages. We'll also cover coordinate geometry, interquartile range, and other core math concepts.
Here are the subjects we cover:

Math Tutoring Plan for 6th Grade

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Skill Assessment

We begin with an assessment of your child's current math skills. This helps us understand their strong points and what they need to learn.

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Customized Lesson Plan

Then, we create a personalized lesson plan. This plan is focuses on the areas they need the most help.

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Math Teaching

Then, we start teaching math in an easy way. We use different methods to make sure your child understands and enjoys learning.

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Concluding Progress Test

At the end of the program, we have a test to see how much your child has learned. This shows us what else they might need to work on.

This tutoring process is continuous; after the progress test, we reassess your child's skills, update the lesson plan accordingly, and continue teaching.

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Number Systems

In this lesson on number systems, 6th graders will learn different numeral systems.

Exploring various number systems such as decimal, binary, etc.

Understanding place value and its role in different number systems

Learning to convert numbers between various systems


6th graders will deepen their understanding of decimal numbers and their applications in more complex math.

Mastering decimals, including place value and decimal notation

Learning advanced operations with decimals

Exploring the use of decimals in fractions and percentage conversions


6th graders will explore more advanced aspects of fractions and their applications.

Understanding mixed numbers and improper fractions

Mastering operations with fractions

Exploring the relationship between fractions, decimals, and percentages

Ratios and Proportions

In this lesson on ratios and proportions, 6th graders will explore the concepts and applications of these math tools.

Understanding ratios and how to represent them in different forms

Solving problems involving proportions and equivalent ratios

Applying these concepts to solve complex math problems

Understanding Percentages

In this lesson on understanding percentages, 6th graders will learn percents and their practical applications.

Grasping the concept of percentages

Mastering the calculation of percentages in various contexts

Learning to convert between fractions, decimals, and percentages

Perimeter and Area

6th graders will explore the measurement of space and boundaries in various shapes.

Calculating the perimeter of different geometric figures

Understanding the concept of area and mastering area calculations

Exploring the relationship between perimeter and area


In this lesson on volume, 6th graders will learn how to calculate the space occupied by three-dimensional objects.

Understanding the concept of volume

Calculating the volume of various shapes like cubes, prisms, etc.

Exploring the relationship between volume, area, and capacity

Coordinate Geometry

In this coordinate geometry session, 6th graders integrate algebra and geometry on the plane.

Learning the basics of the coordinate plane

Mastering point plotting and interpreting positions in the coordinate system

Creating shapes and lines within the coordinate plane

Mean, Median, Mode, and Range

6th graders will learn to calculate averages, identify the middle value, find the mode, and understand data spread.

Understanding the definitions of mean, median, mode, and range

Calculating each of these measures from a given set of data

Exploring how these concepts are used to interpret data sets

Interquartile Range

6th graders will learn about the interquartile range, a key measure of variability in data sets.

Understanding the interquartile range and its significance in statistics

Calculating IQR by finding Q1 and Q3 and determining their difference

Exploring how IQR measures the spread of the middle half of a data set

Genie Academy's Math Tutoring Benefits


Knowledgeable & Passionate Coaches
At Genie Academy, we offer a team of knowledgeable and passionate coaches who prioritize your child's success.

  Small Class Sizes
Our small class sizes ensure personalized attention, allowing us to implement our carefully designed curriculum based on the Genie Academy teaching philosophy.

  Clear Communication and Curriculum Transparency
We believe in transparency. Your child brings home materials, and we keep you informed with regular feedback, Parent Coach conferences, and accessible student records on our Parent Portal.

Find Out More Tutoring Programs for Your Child

Improve your child’s reading and writing skills and get them started with coding.
Here are our core programs:

Reading Tutoring

Genie Academy teaches students to enhance reading fluency and comprehension, focusing on phonics, vocabulary, and interpretation skills.

Writing Tutoring

Genie Academy students learn to develop their writing abilities, covering grammar, structure, and style, tailored to their grade level and creative or academic needs.

Coding Tutoring

Genie Academy teaches fundamental coding concepts, logic, and languages like HTML or CSS, suitable for beginners and budding programmers.

Meet Our Team

At Genie Academy, we believe in providing the best learning experience for your child. Our experienced teachers are committed to helping children succeed in reading, writing, math, and coding.

Genie Academy coaches are committed to our mission of uncovering your student's genius. They are dedicated, passionate, exciting, and motivating. Our coaches are committed to making the Genie Academy experience fun for kids.

Frequently Asked Questions

Classes run once a week and vary in length, depending on your child’s age. Toddler classes for children ages 3 ½ to 5 are for one hour. Junior and senior classes for students older than 5 are two hours. Class sizes are deliberately kept small so that teachers can give each child the maximum attention needed. No more than five children are in the toddler classes. No more than eight students are in the junior and senior classes.

Each child learns at a different speed. We encourage you to keep your child in the program for at least three months until they become proficient in visualization.

Genie Academy complements schoolwork because children develop a better understanding of math on the abacus than is possible with the traditional math curriculum in schools. Faced with stimulating challenges, children find that schoolwork becomes easier. Genie Academy also teaches how to solve word problems, which are traditionally the bane of every student’s existence.

Getting started is easy. Call us at 609-288-2290 or come in for a free class. Sign up now. We will give you and your child a free demonstration of the abacus and an abacus to take home.

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Our team will evaluate your child to discover their strengths and weaknesses and provide an in-depth recommendation outline of what they need to ensure that they will succeed.

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